Final Papers and Presentations

Crassostrea gigas and Vibrio tubiashii: Insights into a Host-Pathogen Relationship (PDF, HTML, DOC)
Hu and Timmmins-Schiffman

An attempt to identify a Rickettsiales-like organism in the nudibranch Armina californica (DOC)
Fong and Eng

Stress response in the intertidal sea anemone Anthopleura elegantissima (PDF, HTML, DOC,M4V)
La Riveire and Martin

Could the the microbial assemblage of the intertidal anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima (Cattle Point, San Juan Island, WA) be a first line of anti-microbial resistance and change with tidal height? (DOC, MOV)
Mouchka and Morrow

Immune response of Littorina sitkana infected with trematodes or Vibrio tubiashii: natural and experimental investigations (DOC)
Keough, Soda, and Yap